Responsible Service of Alcohol - RSA Training

In Australia its a legal requirements that you complete Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training before being able to work in licensed premises, i.e a pub, bar, restaurant or nightclub. In QLD, VIC, NT, SA & WA courses can be completed online. In NSW, TAS & ACT however, RSA courses must be completed in a classroom environment with a qualified trainer.

Each state in Australia has it's own liquor legislation and its own RSA accreditation particular to that state. This means that many backpackers will need to get more than one RSA certificate to work across Australia. Its often best to plan your trip and purchase your training in packages upfront - it makes it quicker and easier to find bar work and is cheaper than purchasing courses separately.

Book your course now!

Our Training Partners can assist you with obtaining your RSA and Whitecard courses and are happy to provide you with a discount. When booking your course, use Coupon/Discount code ‘ULTIMATE’ and save on your course price.

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